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Google Fiber Might Change the TV Commercial Market in India Next

by BrandBerry Marcom / 2016-11-28 17:52:00

Google, the corporation that build itself into a trillion-dollar business by reaching web viewers with the right ad at the right time is trying to change the TV commercial market now.

The corporation’s Fiber division has been analyzing TV commercial sharpshooting, preparing to entice advertisers with pinpoint position to convey commercials to an audience that truly wants to have them.

Marketers see a whopping opportunity, a jump towards only reaching the audience they need rather than just an audience of any picky show.

This approach to showing targeted commercial has only got the grapevine going in the business till now — no major stirs. Analysts predict that it’ll take the growth of the company’s TV customer base only for the solution to grab traction.

“It’s an intelligent way to target, especially in a market like India where TRPs rule the game with no substantial formulae backing them up”, said Aayushi Jain, Creative Director for BrandBerry Marcom, an ad agency based in Delhi.“Advertising agencies in Delhi have always been interested in targeted options as for TV advertising is concerned”, she added.

What Google Fiber is selling is viewers rather than content. Particularly, it matters more because what a TV was tuned into at a given moment is a far more valuable index than what types of shows it pulls in habitually.

“When you are so small, advertising begins to make less sense. But, we are liking it! I’m excited for when they launch up in Indian and grab a substantial market share. That is when ad agencies in India are going to sit up and take notice. It has set in new hopes for the hardware can collect far more data than what our set top boxes currently transmit”, further added Jain.

So drilling down to a crazy-targeted audience that’s a small part of the consumers advertisers want to reach becomes lesser worth the effort put it.

The limited reach of Google Fiber is one reason for it making lesser sense to advertisers today.

But Google Fiber brings advantages to the consumer tracking game on television - the hardware that is being installed in consumers’ homes is new, innovative and consistent.

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